“It will never rain roses: when we want to have more roses, we must plant more roses.” – George Eliot

So this morning, Monica and Zafeirenia were rehearsing in preparation for pitching at the Lion’s Den Competition at King’s College on Monday. We’re really excited about this competition; in fact the team are looking forward to taking part so much that we have decided to dress the part as well. Ioanna spent her lunch break buying white t-shirts for the whole gang and will print them with our artFix logo for the event – go team artFix!

Monica (left) and Zafeirenia (right) at work
Monica (left) and Zafeirenia (right) happy at work

Meanwhile, in the office, there have been intermittent ‘woops’ of excitement as artists have been confirming their participation in the ‘artFix Experience.’ In fact it’s been all GO GO GO – answering calls, writing e-mails, having more discussions about event technicalities and dealing with the sometimes temperamental Internet connection. And you know what – there wasn’t even one cup of coffee in the office to give us a kick start :O. There were chocolates bought by George and Zafeirenia from their trip to Brussels (I told you we’d be celebrating right?) but an office working happily without coffee definitely defies some kind of law. I guess the reason it works for us is just because we really have a vision to see this project succeed and with our first event literally around the corner, it is an exciting, busy and crucial time to make sure everything is planned perfectly. For this only genuine determination and dedication will do.

So tomorrow is the last day for applications! Get them IN!! And if you find yourself on Twitter,  have a read of what Aesthetica Magazine had to say about us: https://twitter.com/AestheticaMag/status/436178011516579840

Have a great evening guys!